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题目:Evolution of legume root nodule formation

主讲人:荷兰瓦赫宁根大学皇家科学院院士Ton Bisseling





Ton Bisseling简介: 

    Ton Bisseling是荷兰瓦格宁根大学植物科学技术系主任、教授、荷兰皇家科学院院士,在根系与微生物互作,尤其在根瘤菌共生、菌根真菌共生过程中信号传导方面在国际上享有声誉。其论文发表在《Cell》、《Nature》、《Science》、《Plant Cell》等期刊上。Ton Bisseling同时也是《Science》期刊的编委。


1Op den Camp, R., Streng, A., De Mita, S., Cao, Q., Polone, E., Liu, W., Ammiraju, J.S.S., Kudrna, D., Wing, R., Untergasser, A., Bisseling, T., Geurts, R. (2011) LysM-type mycorrhizal receptor recruited for rhizobium symbiosis in nonlegumeParasponia.Science 331 (6019): 909-912.

2Wang, D., Griffitts, J., Starker, C., Fedorova, E., Limpens, E., Ivanov, S., Bisseling, T., Long, S. (2010) A nodule-specific protein secretory pathway required for nitrogen-fixing symbiosis. Science 327 (5969): 1126-1129.

3Bisseling, T.; Dangl, J.L.; Schulze-Lefert, P. (2009)Next-generation communication. Science 324: 691.

4Smit, P.; Raedts, J.G.J.; Portyanko, V.; Debellé, F.; Gough, C.; Bisseling, T.; Geurts, R. (2005)NSP1 of the GRAS protein family is essential for Rhizobial Nod factor-induced transcription.Science 308 (5729): 1789 – 1791

5Lévy, J.; Bres, C.; Geurts, R.; Chalhoub, B.; Kulikova, O.; Duc, G.; Journet, E.P.; Ané, J.M.; Lauber, E.; Bisseling, T.; Dénarié, J.; Rosenberg, C.; Debellé, F. (2004)A putative Ca2+ and calmodulin-dependent protein kinase required for bacterial and fungal symbioses.Science 303 (5662): 1361 – 1364.

6Limpens, E.H.M.; Franken, C.L.; Smit, P.E.J.; Willemse, J.J.; Bisseling, T.; Geurts, R. (2003)
LysM domain receptor kinases regulating rhizobial Nod factor-induced infection.

Science , 302 : 630 – 633.

7Fransz, P.F.; Amstrong, S.; Jong, J.H.S.G.M. de; Parnell, L.D.; Drunen, C. van; Dean, C.; Zabel, W.J.T.; Bisseling, T.; Jones, G.H. (2000) Integrated cytogenetic map of chromosome arm 4S of A. thaliana : structural organization of heterochromatic knob and centromere region. Cell, 100, 367-376.





